Welcome to the Cleveland Akron Canton Ohio Chapter AFS Web page. The CAC AFS is one of the largest local chapters of the American Foundry Society in the United States. Northeastern Ohio has traditionally been a busy region for the metal-casting industry. Today, we boast a membership that includes over 300 foundrymen and suppliers in Northeastern Ohio. Members include owners, managers, salary and hourly employees from large and small foundries as well as suppliers to this industry.

upcoming event

SPeaker spotlight
Fritz Meyer

Fritz Meyer, Sr. Technical Product Manager for ASK Chemicals has serviced the Foundry Metal Casting industry since 1976. Starting with Ashland Chemical Canada as a Quality Control Technician and later in R&D for Foundry Binders and Chemicals. Fritz has held many positions in Ashland and ASK in his career, including global responsibility for developing products and business in many locations around the world.

- Thu, Mar 13The Venue Banquet Center

our sponsors
Discover Our Work
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our sponsors for their generous support of the CAC AFS Chapter. Your commitment allows us to continue providing valuable resources, educational events, and networking opportunities for foundry professionals in our region. With your partnership, we are able to enhance the growth and success of the foundry industry, and we deeply appreciate your ongoing contributions to our mission. Thank you for being an integral part of our community!